Amazing things happen when you replace FEAR with FAITH
First let me start off by saying Tulip’s Bomb Body Care 1st entrepreneur showcase was AHMAZING. I don’t think it could’ve gone any other way, my twist out on my hair came out perfect at the point I knew today was going to be a bomb ass day.
I had been planning and getting business ideas together for this showcase since March 2019. To see everything I worked so hard for manifest into what it was, was so satisfying and rewarding. I wanted to make sure my website was up and running (check), wanted to introduce new bomb products (check), wanted to make sure I had proper equipment and a banner (check check).
So far so good right?
FEAR- let me tell you about that sucka! Fear had me thinking I was incapable of stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing something that God called me to do and what I love to do mostly from the “Whatifs” and “Made up scenarios” in my mind that I kept replaying. I can honestly say it was the “WHAT IF’S” that kept creeping in my head and filling it with the fear of unknown, it was making me stagnant, and it was crippling me. If I had continued to allow FEAR, a single thought that I CAN CONTROL to dictate my life, thoughts or actions; then I would have been another victim of not being obedient to God because of my own selfish ways and most importantly FEAR. I literally had to shift my mindset, pray and get my mind right, positive affirmations and self-talk cause the Devil was coming to rain on my parade OK, but I was not giving him any play.
The prayer of faith is a prayer of trust. The very essence of faith is trust. We must trust that God knows what is best for us and our lives. If we fear that means we do not trust him.
In the past I have had fears of speaking in public places due to my speech impediment, telling people that I dont know bits and pieces of my life, my story (them being judgmental or looking at me crazy) or my products always made me so fearful. I have come to realize that God doesn’t do certain things for our gratification, in fact it’s BIGGER than us. He uses us to be a blessing to others and my obedience is contingent upon someone else’s life. I am confidently going in the direction God created for me and I am allowing him to use me to be a blessing to someone else, not for me but for THEM.
I want people to HEAL,THRIVE and SURVIVE
So let me tell yawl! The fact that I was able to go to a city where I never been or didn’t know anyone, connect and relate to other people and encourage and inspire them about self-love, being confident in your skin, their selves and to take care of their skin was incredible. The looks on their faces when they tried Tulip’s Bomb Body care products literally made my heart smile. I had people coming up to the table bringing other people back with them because they couldn’t believe I hand-make, created (ingredients down to jars and labeling) these bomb ALL NATURAL and AFFORDABLE skin care products that can be used by ANYONE anywhere. The moment they tried any of our products they were in love. THAT’S the type of joy that makes me warm inside that I am able to produce products that will not only improve your skin but will also make people feel good on the inside knowing that they have bomb products to help them feel bomb in the skin God created them in. My products are changing people’s lives, their skin and making them love themselves even more. I will continue to produce BOMB ass products.
1 comment
I have used bomb butter products such as the mango butter shea butter cocoa butter it’s awesome. Also have used their new product as their face mask their scrubs feels great love the makes my skin feels awesome!